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Doreen Pagano Halsall

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Doreen Pagano Halsall of Pine Orchard Studio is a specialist in handmade paper. Doreen’s papers are perfect for watercolors, prints and collage. The look and feel are completely singular. Based out of Cortland Manor, NY and Cape Cod, MA, Doreen is a widely recognized artist who has shown her work extensively in galleries and libraries throughout New York City, New England, Europe, and Japan. With reviews of her work published in The New York Times, Chronogram, the Peekskill Herald, and the Gannet Group newspapers, Doreen’s work is deservedly widely regarded and renowned. What makes Doreen’s paper so unique is the process is entirely natural from start to finish. From flowers she grows in her own garden, and beeswax from the honeybees her sister keeps, her eco-prints have the flowers steamed onto the paper, then sealing it all together with the beeswax. This long process is incredibly eco-conscious, with each material being utilized and unnecessary waste avoided. This type of care is apparent in Doreen’s work throughout her collection. It’s a very pure act of creation while at the same time benefiting our plant. Doreen states “It makes me feel good … Like I am part of something much larger than myself. [Creating] connects me with nature and the earth.” Doreen’s connection to nature is also reflected in what she loves about Ossining, frequenting the river front as well as the Teatown Lake Reservation.



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